A note from the founder...

I am Emma, a yogi, mum, entrepreneur and lover of nature. I have been on a voyage of discovery over the last fifteen years venturing to all corners of the globe and time on a quest to explore and understand the mind and body, and our own innate wisdom and connection.

I have a framed picture in my house that stands as a reminder of what I would love to gift my children… roots to feel grounded and safe, and wings to be able to fly. What I have come to realise is that it is also a message to me, and a message that I hope Into the Fold gives to you. I am a seeker and that has opened many doors, and given me a depth and wealth of experience and knowledge. Yet in full circle, what I have repeatedly learnt is that many answers and solutions reside within us, and that connection to self, others and nature is intrinsic to our whole human health. Into the Fold is a celebration of that.

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I began my yoga journey fifteen years ago. I cannot tell you what initially drew me to a mat, but from the moment I first stood on one, it has been my home from home. Yoga has been my constant throughout the wiggling path and ups and downs of life. It’s been there sometimes as a whisper but always a companion I could return to, and over the years it has become my northstar.

I am trained in a variety of disciplines that have given me a rich and deep understanding of the practice and philosophy. Alongside that, I have indulged my inner geek amassing a breadth of mind and body knowledge through years of self-study, training and experience. Into the Fold is the coming together of all that knowledge. My self-enquiry and curious exploration continues to transform the way I see the world and live, and now it’s time to share that with others.


I have long known that wellbeing and community are my two passions. I brought them to life in my first business Agora, and it feels so apt that the two are also central to Into the Fold.

I have a vision to create a space where people can come not only to strengthen mind, body, and spirit, but do so while feeling empowered and with a smile on their face. There is so much noise in the world; my mission is to simplify that.


  • 200hr Yoga Alliance Hot Vinyasa TT

  • Warriors At Ease Specialised Trauma Sensitive Training

  • Adaptive Yoga Assisting (3 yrs working extensively with disability)

  • Yin Yoga Training

  • Pre + Post Natal TT - Yoga Mama Yoga Alliance

  • Pranayama (Breathwork) TT

  • Co-Active Coaching Training - Fundamentals

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